Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 16

Margit Route
Translation: Complete
Editing: Complete (QC is well underway)

Kokoro Route
Translation: Complete
Editing: Complete

Just need to get the Kosugi Route and the skits done then QC it all.


  1. Seriously Amazing. Except I have no Idea what QC means.

    1. Quality Control, most likely.

    2. Quality Check, maybe?

    3. Quaker Crackers

    4. Quality Crackers

    5. CQC is Close Quarter Combat :P

    6. SO that's what it meant...
      I never knew thats what it meant when I wore that helmet in Halo Reach T^T
      They always asked me why I'm wearing it while holding a DMR

    7. Ignore comment, checking what time it is in your country

  2. Maybe next week :3

  3. Thanks for you efforts and hard work!

  4. I just wanted to say that you are the best for doing this. I appreciate your efforts and look forward to your releases.

  5. i'm not fapping till this one goes out ;_;

    1. It could possibly be weeks, you know.... I wish you luck.

    2. It's a hard job but I think he has the skills and the courage to do it.

    3. How would you know about that? Are you keeping his personal history?

    4. That may be a possibility.

    5. op here. sorry guys, i caved in. i thought it shoulda been out by now. ;_;

    6. Of course you did. It's impossible to hold out for that long.

  6. i'm waiting till the true route is done, they said its koyuki's the girl from s class.

  7. Yeah, Koyuki's is technically the true route since (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) it focuses on the entire group of friends with Koyuki joining the gang as Yamato's girlfriend. (SPOILER END SPOILER END SPOILER END).

    1. damn even though I saw spoiler alerts after I saw Koyuki's name and true route together I couldn't stop reading. Nooooooooessssss

    2. btw what do you guys mean by true route? and does majikoi even have true routes? (if so what was the true route in the first game?)

    3. no its not the true route..there is no true route in S..people only say its the true because you have to finish all the routes before you can play it..and all the amazing scne are in yuki route..SPOilER ALERT SPOILER ALERT...

      Momoyo VS Hume Hellsing battle in space without spacesuit..
      and they go back to earth by diving without burning in the atmosphere...those 2 people are not human

    4. YEEEES!
      Before I always thinking, why there are no Koyuki route ?
      She is an interesting girl, I hope someday minatosoft make yuki route. But, if its true there are koyuki route and its the true route, THAT'S GREAT!
      Btw, if you think there is no true route in majikoi s, maybe you wrong coz even Pun-kun posted before the routes that will be translated are :Hermit Crab, Tsubame, and "True Route".
      So even majikoi have many routes, there must me one true route.

    5. Must be? There's no must be. Also, read the comments. It's a route that you unblock by doing the others, but in no place says a thing about it being the true route of Majikoi S.
      Majikoi does have a true route, and it's clear and obvious.

      Also, with all this... will the After Stories that you can play on Majikoi S be translated, too?

    6. Oh god please STOP! STOP STOP!

      I cant take this anymore, first a Tatsuko, Margit, and Kokoro route, then i found out there will be a Benkei, Lee and Stacy Route in Majikoi A, and now there is a koyuki route? I mean, THAT Koyuki? she is the girl i regretted the most that didn't have a route...

      How many good news and miracles happen this months? someone is translating my yandere VNs too somehow...

      What else? will Morgan Freeman teleport in front of me and tell me i can use Unlimited Blade Works?

      Ok, i pinched my cheek 2 times now, if i don't wake up after the five, i will scream in joy.

    7. well you will be confuse at first when you play koyuki route in S because you need some knowledge from the agave route in the 1st majikoi

    8. Aaaaand you got the entire route completely wrong. It's a "what if" scenario, in which Yamato didn't reject Koyuki when she came to him as a kid. She's a VIP member of sorts, with that I mean that she's not in the Kazama family, but she participates sometimes in their activities. They're good friends, but not a couple. They sort of become a couple in the end, in the After route (they do have sex, after all). Tbh, Koyuki's route isn't really Koyuki's route, it's not centered on her. It's basically what happens when the old servants of the Kuki family pull out the rebellion that is hinted in the rest of the main routes.

      Also, it's not the true route, there's no true route in Majikoi games. Yamato ends up with whoever you want, simple as that. This is something that has been commented so much yet people still fails to realise.

    9. Wait. Then why did Koyuki know Yamato's name in the common route of S? Did Yamato introduce himself to her or something in the common route of the first game? I remember he did come across her a couple of times, but I can't recall if he told her his name or not..

    10. did u forget the battle of touma and yamato in the common route of the first majikoi???

    11. Ah I was mixing up the two weird girls, koyuki and tatsuko. I meant Tatsuko. Yamato came across her a couple of times in the first game, but I can't recall him introducing himself to her and yet she knew his name in the common route of S. She was daydreaming about him or something. Isn't S after the common route of the first game?

    12. "What if" scenario ?
      I read in wikia (since the first game still long way from complete translated, so only played up to recently translated route) ..SPOilER ALERT SPOILER ALERT...
      that Koyuki been friend with Yamato before met Touma and lolicon Jun, But, Yamato forgot about Yuki. Even though Yuki hasn't forgotten about Yamato, she is waiting for him to remember about them as she still holds feelings for him.

    13. what are you talking about yamato forgetting yuki??
      someone already mention it...yuki wants to enter kazama family in her childhood years but yamato rejected her because he already save miyako back there...and after months of abuse from her mother yuki was save by touma and adopted by someone working in the touma hospital..

      and in the what if route in S they reversed it by yamato accepting yuki as a guest member of the kazama family

    14. i think yamato already introduce himself to tatsuko back there when they are napping together in the side of the river

    15. LOL the wiki. That wiki is terrible, whoever made it just used its own interpretation for things that weren't translated. You shouldn't trust it, it's completely inaccurate. Ask here if you have doubts.

      And just to say, I haven't read anything about Yamato not saving Yuki because he already saved Miyako. In fact, I think Yamato met Yuki before Miyako. Not really sure about this, but that's what the dialogue seems to point out

    16. How does people know so much about Majikoi's true route as it's untranslated? QQ

    17. because there is a wonderful tool for extracting text and translating it called ITH...and i can understand 80% of the voices without subtitles and my only problem are yamato's dialogue because he has no voice and the monologue thats why i use ITH to translate them

    18. I wonder people how got so much free time to learn japanese.

  8. Thanks for the hard work. People are gonna be having an awesome Christmas thanks to you.

  9. jus one or two weeks to go, aye?

  10. Awesome!!! Thanks so much!!!

  11. Awesome. Thanks for making sure on the quality checks.

  12. Thank you soo much! Looking forward to it soon! :)

  13. thx, i'm looking forward to play

  14. Thanks a million for your hard work!! Much appreciated!!

  15. Thank you Pun-kun.

  16. Awww... I guess I'll wait another week huh. :okay: I'm still happy because they are translating it not like the first.

  17. God bless you! I can't wait!!

  18. oh dear lord!! this made my day! thank you so much

  19. I think I need to restock my tissue box and coffee

  20. a great birthday present :) thank you very much!

  21. Took you long enough.
    Based Pun-kun

  22. At this rate, I might have to start worshiping you as a deity...

  23. cheer up punkun ur the best!!!!

  24. So close!!! thank you very much for translating this game, its hard to believe that you're doing this for free.

  25. Just wanted to add my thanks as well for your steadfast dedication and speed in working on this project.

  26. I really wanna play this game, but I am afraid of skipping important plot points if i skip majikoi true route. So my question is: Can i play this game even though I haven't played miyako and true route? Will I miss important stuff if i do? Have a good day.

    1. Some routes I believe you can. Like I only played the translated routes for majikoi and the monshiro route didn't have any confusing parts. I think for the most part you just need to avoid the agave after for now. Also could you even wait for the original majikoi to be translated? Might be half a year or more before we see any notable progress seeing as the translator had a whirlwind of shit descend upon him (aka problems of life)
      Though just to be sure my opinion is not mistaken I think the work the translators do is a kind contribution to those who have no other ways of enjoying things like VNs ,and the fact that they continue to translate despite difficulties that occur in life demonstrates dedication and caringness towards their communities.

    2. there is no important plot in Majikoi S though. After all, it was intended to be a fandisk. if you haven't played Miyako route, well, you may a bit lose about her route in S. As for the true route, there is a continuation but that's only all about H-scene, no plot at all. so be happy and play it~

    3. no ur wrong if u dont play the agave you will miss the background of yuki and thats an important factor in her route in S

    4. in alternative you can play the game using translators like ith or agth for the route that aren't traslated, it's a bit depressing and you will end missing some funny lines but u should be able to understand the plot at least

    5. If you haven't played Miyako nor Agave route in Majikoi, you most likely will miss something when you play those routes. You will also not get the beginning of the prologue and Koyuki's route, which comment parts of the Agave route. The others have no relation with the previous game apart from the common route, so you'll not have problems.

      What I did notice is that there are some references to the Drama CDs. I'm honestly surprised about this.

    6. Really the Drama CDs get referenced? Interesting dare what parts I ask. Then again I wouldn't really know since I have not taken a look at the drama CDs. Still curious what is referenced.

  27. Thanks. You have my gratitude.

  28. QC nice !! Thanks for your work translating this huge game !!
    I wish to download next patch right now :3
    Can´t wait release, haah...aaah...haaa... xD

  29. hey gauys where i can download japanese version?

    1. This is a new one. The Japanese version of the English patch? If you're talking about the game, then there is ONLY a Japanese version at this point. A simple Google search should lead to plenty of places where you can get it.

    2. Or basically, the game is originally in Japanese. Just download it without the patch or buy it and that's it.

  30. Does anyone know where I can download the full majikoi S game?

    1. You can search for your self, it'll improve your search skill =)), like me.So you don't have to rely on others to much.
      But i'll help you this time :)

    2. Don't post links for illegal downloads.. or ask for one seriously how stupid can you be.

      You guys are begging for DMCA.

    3. Must be a noob. A noob to the internet that is.

    4. There were some TL groups which got shut down because of stuff like this.


    6. Delete this goddamn commtent already

  31. waiting and waiting.. its been so long =( THANKS PUN I <3 u.

  32. Pun-kun you are awesome. I've been charmed by you all over again. Now in all seriousness. Thanks as lot. Can't wait for the new patch release.

    By the way way question for those who played the first majikoi game. Anyone know which route it is that all of 2-F finds out about Yamato's obsession with hermit crabs?

  33. Thanks based Pun and team

  34. Quick question: Agave After is Tatsuko's route?

    1. There's also a threesome route of Yamato with Miyako and Momoyo, if you want to count that.

    2. Oh my god dude. Don't tell me this I'm going to have a heart attack.

  35. Guhehe..Guhehehehe...Guheheheha...
    My body's ready ^_^ Can't wait.
    Thanks Pun-kun!

  36. MY heart is ready! OMG can't wait to start!

  37. OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD.... CANT WAIT thanks pun-sama :D

  38. Thanks again for your hard work and weekly updates. Just knowing that progress is being made makes waiting for it worthwhile.

    I was also wondering: how long are the "after" routes for original heroines compared to the new routes for the new heroines in S? Since the "after" routes probably assume that we've read their routes in the original Majikoi, I would think that these "after" routes would, in general, be somewhat shorter than the new routes.

  39. So how long do you guys recon this will take to finnish? this patch I mean. One week? Two weeks? Or will it take even longer?

    1. I personally think it will be done by this Friday but if he drags his feet which this guy usually don't then it will be done next week.

  40. T-T Cant wait anymore pleaseeee xDDD

  41. Just wanted to come in and say Thanks a lot for the translation guys really appreciate!!! help a lot for non Japanese speaking guys like me : D

  42. Keep up the good work.

  43. Patch tomorrow? I really hope so. You guys have been nothing but amazing.

  44. omgomgomgomgomg if he does post it tom around what time will it be up ?!!!?!?!?! if i dont get an answer im afraid i will just neurotically keep refreshing this page tomorrow lol

  45. I'm pretty sure it's up tomorrow.... RIGHT??!!! RIGHT?!!!!! Oh man, I'm drooling right now...

  46. Any second now......
    *frantically refreshes page*

  47. Before you upload the patch I suggest you fix Shakadou's name. It's Shakadou Gyou not Shakadou Osakabe.

    1. Already did. I made some changes for about half of the common route before I got lazy.

    2. I found another difference. Which is how you refer to the Kuki family business. It's not a corporation, its a conglomerate. A corporation is one business. The Kuki family has a bunch of corporations under the family name. A conglomerate is a 2 or more corporations merged under one name. Thus it makes more sense to call it the Kuki conglomerate.

  48. Marodo is a term for backwards road, or evil path. hence why in teh first game Aoi Touma uses that code name as a villain in the agave path. So the name should be kept as Marodo or if you want to localize it Malroad. (spanish mal and english word road). Mallord isn't what Ryuu says.

  49. Today is the day. Right?

  50. It might take another week.

  51. Let's all raise our hands for the savior to finish

  52. Any second now. I can feel it.

  53. My life is complete if Pun-kun is willing to translate Majikoi A

  54. Re-reading original Mayucchi route while waiting

  55. Haa...haa..haa..haa....I'm getting to excited while waiting. KOKORO GIVE ME MY KOKORO!

  56. OMG guys. I know you really want this to be released today, but you're starting to creep me out. Why don't you just comment about this right now?

    It's a Miyako pillow. In case you like these pillows. Also, we know one thing about Majikoi A. Basically, tutorial is going to be done by Iyo and Musakosu. No surprise at all here.

    1. Do you know if each set of heroines will have to be bought separately or will Minatosoft have a single disk with all the appendages on there?

  57. Comments in Wairu are exploding? Must be Friday. . . ಠ_ಠ

  58. I can't spend another day without majikoi S, Please let it be today

  59. pun-kun must feels like a god or something, we may start a new religion :)
    P.S. i'm a loyal of yours, lord pun-kun

  60. So who else is refreshing wairu every hour?

  61. I'm here for the countdown

  62. I haven't gotten any sleep. ARGH.

  63. Patch will be released in three hours.

  64. Now the wait begins.......

    1. i don't think so, look what Pun-Kun posted 1 min after you say the wait begins. it's a sad yet funny ironic twist.

  65. Replies
    1. oi, oi and that after "Patch will be released in three hours."? I am a sad panda T_T

    2. Please be joking.....

    3. How stupid of me, the phrase "not today" could also mean no release today ;_;

    4. be patient like Miyako....Pun must have a good reason of why not today, he already said that it will take 2 or 3 weeks. If you be patient, you shall prevail~

    5. Not being impatient, just saying that I misunderstood what Pun said

    6. hoho, I know that buddy, if what Admin said is right, then it must be around 1 hour left~

    7. at least he did't say "not this week", so we can have a chance of a release by this weekend.

  66. I kept asking myself why there were always new comments to 7 and 8 AM ..... Fucking time zone

  67. pun-kun ... you are not playing with us ... right? right?!

  68. I get the localization of Lee's play on words "This room has a big mouse." But you can clearly hear the world kitchen. Wouldn't it be better if you make a pun by saying. "This kitten's house is a kitchen." This way you leave intact the original word, KITCHEN. I'll work on tweaking some of translations of Lee's jokes.

    By the way the first translated joke that lee told when, stacy responds with DIE afterwards, I didn't get.

  69. pun-kun pls dont be yandere, peoples needs full translate=)

  70. Also I don't think many people will get what konpeito is so it would be easier calling it confectionery or it's origin name, confetti candy.

  71. NOOOO WHY PUN SAMA WHYY T-T not today QQ x 1000000 , well lets wait a bit more , thanks :d

  72. not today? Does it mean today, one week after? TWO WEEKS, ONE YEAR, 2 YEARS? NEVER? SEAL ME UNTILL THE FULL PATCH GETS OUT, HURRYYYYYYYYY

  73. Please Pun-kun be more specific

  74. Means probably next week, since he updates weekly.

  75. Oh man, better go learn japanese --"

    1. "faggot", I'm sorry if this was any offensive to you, Personnaly I don't need the patch too much, I can understand japanese I only need it because I can't read, Of course i'm grateful for everybody's hard work, if I could do any help I could, if it takes so long then just give up on everything, at this apce the game will finish next year, by then I can learn japanese well enough to read 1 or 2 sentences. sincerely to anon "the faggot"

    2. ahahahah look at this idiot

  76. "Means probably next week, since he updates weekly."

    Atleast so far patches have been released as soon as they are ready, not fridays.

  77. At this point we are finishing. Patch will be uploaded tommorow because of editing.

    1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I think expresses the feelings of those who read this comment.

    2. by comment I meant the one by admin.

    3. I dunno who this guy is, but none of what he said is true.

  78. Umm guys, it's easy to comment as admin look I just did it --"

  79. Guys usually Pun-kun is the one that says whether or not updates are releasing early. Not an admin. I'm not one by the way, just showing how easy it is to pretend to be one.

  80. The true is that we really don't know when we will upload patch, but stay tuned and keep refreshing our site!

    1. it's not as easy to post as pun-kun because the legitimate account has a blogger link (and it's orange)

  81. Yeah its pretty easy to post as Admin

  82. well I hope it gets released tomorrow

  83. I can't win the election till the patch is released.

    1. Pun-k already sent me the patch

    2. yeah he already sent me to him.

  84. Obvious troll is obvious lmao. Well at least first comment was successful.

  85. O well, that means instead of frantically refreshing at an 15 min rate, ill just do it at an every 2 hours rate now :)

  86. NOOOOOOOOOOO.... Well there goes my good week.... :(

    Anyway, just keep up what your doing and release it when you can. :D

  87. Guys they didn't do the weekly news update, maybe they are waiting untill they finish the patch to do it, if It will be released next week they would've already updated the blog

    1. they do it every friday and it's not saturday yet

    2. i said the exact same thing last week and it wasn't true. Plus Pun-kin said it won't be today. T.T

  88. it's only 3:38pm they normally post the updates at 7 or 8pm so please take it easy

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. After that troll comment from the (propably fake) admin, I'm not trusting anyone till the official weekly update rolls out

  91. I just found out how easy it is to post as Anonymous. Try it out guys, anyone can do it I swear!

  92. The higher you hop(e), the harder you fall, huh? I just crash land because of that troll comment, FUCK!

  93. I just want my maru-san...oh well...I'll wait another week.

    1. i already have my lolicon dream, so i don't care about maru

    2. You damn pedophile......

  94. That's the case by what the real Pun-kun said he said "Not today" earlier in the comments but I guess there is nothing we can do to speed him up all we can do is wait.

  95. How do I unlock Kosugi's route?
