Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 15

Margit route
Translation: Complete

Kokoro route
Translation: Complete
Editing: 80%

It might take 2-3 weeks due to skit, Kosugi, and QC


  1. Noooo, so close... Anyways, Nice Job Pun-kun.

    1. don't worry, it's decided~it will be next week~

    2. You sure it will be next week ?
      There are no status for Kosugi translation yet, maybe Kosugi route too short, since she's not one of the main heroine.. ?
      Hopefully it will be next week. :D

    3. Kosugi is just the h scene basically. It's like Iyos.

      Progress would be almost pointless considering it's a couple hundred lines at most.

    4. おりがと。。。。大好き です!!

  2. Oh damn, next week is going to be perfect. Is the translation on Kosugi done then, since theres no status on it? Great work guys, many thanks as always for this speedy translation

  3. Yes good job. I wonder if you are going to do one huge quality check when all the routes are finished. I was watching on youtube someone using the monshiro route patch and there still is a lot of text glitches and menus not translated. I love quality so as long as all the bugs are taken out and everything looks nice and neat I'll be happy.

    1. Just be glad someone is translating this.

  4. 19th is the big day? Can't fucking wait.......

    1. Well Pun-kun said they will release patches whenever they are ready and won't purposely delay it till a Friday if it's already done.

      So, just saying it's possible it could be before the 19th, or even a few days after the 19th.

  5. So close, it would of been the perfect birthday present for me today.

  6. im so excited!!! Thank you so much!!!!

  7. Pun-kun what program did you use to decompile the script?

  8. so close....yet so far T_T must....endure.....must....not....explode x.x xD

  9. Oh man it's so close I can taste it. Going to save up from here on out to glop all over my keyboard for Kokoro

    1. Saving up for 3 weeks is pretty intense, are you up for the challenge?

  10. Fucking stupid. First of all a 50% in a whole week is fucking slow for editing. What the fuck are you guys doing?

    Second, you say you will release those patches in packages. Margit route is done for 3 weeks now and you are too stupid to make someone QC it just because? It's even done editing. Let's calculate a bit.

    X = Margit Route
    Y = Kokoro Route

    Let's say Margit route needs a week for QC being done. This is just hypothetically. As well as Kokoro, one week.

    X + Y = Z
    1 + 1 = 2 Weeks.

    4 Weeks translating Margit + 4 Weeks translating Kokoro + 2 Weeks editing + 1 week translating the skits + 2 Weeks QC (Margit and Kokoro) = 13 weeks. Alright, that's assuming you're doing it the way you are doing it.

    The other way, releasing it when each route is done:

    4 Weeks translating Margit + 1 week editing + 1 week QC = 6 weeks Margit. Release.
    4 Weeks translating Kokoro + 1 week editing + 1 week QC = 6 Weeks Kokoro. Release.
    Now, you can actually add the one week skits wherever you want since it's nothing important, but since you're doing it now let's add it to Kokoro. We're at a full 13 weeks, OH LOOK, YOU DIDN'T SAVE ANY TIME, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!
    I know that the times might not be acurate but that's not the point, you can apply any time there, it's always the same.

    Why the fuck would you think it's faster just because you're doing them in a row? You're only splitting the fucking time. There is nothing to gain out of it except making us wait for no reason.

    This does not change. You're not going to be faster just because you're doing that at once. People could play Margit for weeks already, it's just that you guys are lazy, no dumb, fucks. It's not even the Translator that's doing QC, so why the fuck would you delay it? It's not saving time. I don't even want to imagine how retarded you are handling this the next patches, when you will translate the old main heroines. That's 5 pacthes. You really want to release that shit as well together, which again, does not save any time at all, it only makes people wait for no reason.

    1. well its not like you're paying or anything.
      or are you? people getting bored so easily you know.
      for me atleast, im glad this translation isn't dead.
      to name one, just look at f/ha lol

    2. As hard as it is for somebody calling others stupid to believe it, they do have lives...

      They're doing it all for free with no financial support required of us; we're not really in a position to make demands. Your criticism is only based on elementary arithmetic; stating that their work could be more efficient like the way you're saying doesn't help them work faster. (Who's stupid now?)

      But conclusively, I do agree with you in that it's being done at a pretty slow pace. Still, as long as they keep at a certain pace, they will be done eventually - I'm not complaining about that. There are more than enough things to do in this world than wait around; I suggest you find something to keep you entertained in the meantime - like myself - whilst Pun-kun and the chaps take their time to do their quality work (there's few that I hate more than a rushed piece of work that could have been done better if more time were invested).

    3. Dear ANON please chill. No need for the rage, your point could have been made without being insulting to the group that is nice enough to take time out of their days to translate a game for the rest of us.

      I see what you are saying however Pun-kun and team are doing it their own way and that is just fine. The wait can be annoying but I am sure we all have things to pass the time with. It is not as if they have dropped the project.

      Have a good day ANON.

    4. Jesus dude calm your balls. It'll be done when its done. Be glad he's translating it at all. Cheeky attention leeching bastard.

    5. He's right though.

      People who think they can't criticize the free are sheeps. He's actually told them rationally that what they are doing is stupid. And thre some insults in, indicating the rage..?

    6. Bad troll is bad, but hey, he's still a troll.
      So keep trolling.
      Anyway, keep going Pun-kun, you guys are great doing this for free.

    7. jusus christ, is he out of his mind? if u r in such a hurry why don't u traslate it by yourself? u can't ? then close ur shit hole idiot and wait

    8. So why would I be a troll?
      If you can tell me were my logic is flawed, I'll shut up. But since you're huge faggots who know exactly that I'm actually right, you can't.

    9. You're a troll because you can't seem to make your point without whining like an impatient baby and throwing swearwords around like a foul-mouthed sailor with tourettes.

      Seriously, you're throwing a goddamn tantrum in the comments because you don't get to play the Margit route a couple of weeks earlier? Dude, I love Margit to, but not that much.

    10. Why we can't thumb down/report spam this post , I miss youtube power!.

    11. You lack the politeness needed to start a debate, so nobody bothers to read your logic. Learn to express your impatience in the right way or shut up already.

      If they have not released a patch yet, it's either because the creation of a patch itself is time consuming and just not worthy, or maybe they just don't feel like it. That's right, they don't want to. They have their own schedule that might be different to yours, and since they translate and edit everything, they get to choose to release anything when they feel like it.

      Not every one wants a rushed poorly translated patch. Editing is a very important step in VN translation, and as much as you seem dislike it, it's better for it to progress as slowly as the main translation. I say so with certainty, since I myself am a translator. And I've got to say that their speed at translating this novel is amazing.

      These things usually take more than a year and half of work. They are doing it really fast, and they are doing it for free, it's unrealistic that you expect (or should I say demand) more from them. It's a gift from them to us. Beggars can not be choosers.

      Insulting them like you did for not getting what you wanted right now is an ugly behaviour and it's what get people labeled as Trolls. If you don't like it, change your attitude or come back when you are older, since for the way you nitpick about this, it's easy to assume you are just a child, and I don't feel like arguing with someone whose answer to my post will probably be something like "But you didn't counter my logic, you didn't prove me wrong, you asshole!"... No need to do that, I've already made clear my point.

      TL;DR: Be polite or STFU

    12. "fucking stupid" that's a good intro for such a dumb post, are you dying soon? So soon that you can't wait a bit, who cares about efficiency if you're not happy with them get a freaking life to distract yourself while waiting or stop wanking for 5 minutes to learn japanese, it's either way. About what you said... There's nothing to say about what you said, you don't even fucking deserve people to read that shit... Have a good day troll, dumbass, whatever you may be.

    13. Go die in Gakuto's sweaty armpits

    14. Fucking stupid. First of all you only start complaining at this week is so fucking stupid. What the fuck are you doing?

      Second, you say you want them to release those patches separately. Margit route is done for 3 weeks now and you just start complaining? You must be one of those who thought and comment they will release this patch at this week in the comments weeks before. I have already stated in those comments that dont get your hope too high or you are gonna get more disappointed than necessary. Let's think about this a bit.

      Let's say they heard your pitiful wailing and start to QC Margit route right away and release it next week. This is just hypothetically.

      4 weeks translating Margit + 4 weeks translating Kokoro + 2 weeks editing + 1 week translating the skits + 2 weeks QC = 13 weeks. Alright, that's what you assumed, right?

      If we follow your way, releasing the Margit route right now:

      4 weeks translating Margit + 4 weeks translating Kokoro + 1 week editing + 1 week QC(release) + 1 week editing again + 1 week translating the skits + 1 week QC again = 13 weeks.

      Now, what is the difference since the answer of both equations is similar? The equation itself! You are making them doing one job in two goes. OH LOOK, YOU DIDN'T SAVE THEM ANY TIME PLUS YOU WASTE THEIR ENERGY SOME MORE, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!

      Yes, the times are not accurate and that's not the point. Glad you know that.

      Why the fuck would you think it's impossible to wait when it just took you a little patience? You dont even have the right to rage here because at the end you are still getting it for free. Customers are always the right one, yes. But you dont even qualify as a customer when you dont pay for it. There is nothing to gain out of trolling here except many anti-troll comments like this one.

      The whole point does not change. They wont just change how they are going to do it as they officially announced months before because of your rage comment. Did you really naively think your comment will make them do as you said. I wont even be surprised if they are dispirited and release the next patch after this one even slower because of you. YES. BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU! I have to repeat this to get this message into your retarded brain. Think about this, there is always a reason for them to do things on their own pace. They make us wait because they dont want to do a QC every single fucking time they finish translated and edited a small patch just because of your impatience, you spoiled brat.

    15. Shut the fuck up you peice of shit, why don't you just learn japanese and do it?

    16. I wonder if Pun-kun reads these and laughs.

    17. Your reasoning's terrible because you don't include in the time necessary for them to make sure the patch doesn't make the game explode.
      Oh, and not to mention the translator might go over the script again to make sure it's correct with regards to the original.

      If you don't care whether the script is actually correct, you may as well use google translate. Actually, go ahead and do that instead of taking advantage of peoples' generosity.

    18. It's called mental disorder =D

    19. Wow..

      Reminds me of the World of warcraft kid video where he just screams for minutes because his parents want him to get off it for the night.

      What a loser.

      The easiest answer is... Then they have to deal with retards unable to read instructions on 2 patches instead of 1. That alone should be good enough reason to have 1 patch. That is why many translation projects only release a patch when it's complete. It's a waste of time to continually try to support new patches and have people continually fail at installing new patches.

  11. He's right though.

    People who think they can't criticize the free are sheeps. He's actually told them rationally that what they are doing is stupid. And thre some insults in, indicating the rage..?

    1. So what ? you are taking this for free , in my country they use "Beggar and he is Requiring" for people like him.

    2. haha rationally

    3. Pun-kun and the crew are doing this For Free, "Beggars can't be choosers", know this line? They Kindly decided to translate Majikoi S for us, they have no Obligation to do that, they could simply abandon the project right this moment and they would be free to do that. In fact acting like this, demanding from them to do it faster is a great way to discourage them "Hey, if those anon pricks can't appreciate the fact that we are translating this then screw them" And they would stop translating.

    4. What part of that utterly retarded post did you find "rational"? And you seriously saying criticizing free stuff is okay? Pleas explain the reasoning behind that "rationally". People who can't control their emotions and end up relying on swear words shouldn't expect their comments/post to be taken seriously.

  12. that's your country. if you really want the patch that desperately, why don't just require people from your own country then you spoiled brat ?

  13. and the conclusion is...just ignore any troll,it's just a waste of time to reply them
    i don't care how long it took as long as it's translated
    anyway,all hail Pun-kun!

  14. Love you guys :)
    I dont care how long it takes, as long it will be translated :D

    1. wtf guys...just ignore the trolls you guys just making the trolls happy by commenting to their post

  15. Keep up the great work ! You are fast enough like that, i don't care how long it takes i'm grateful i will be able to play this awersome games because of you =D Thankies !

  16. I Can feel the love just choking this post.
    So what if we've got a troll on the post can't we just talk about something more productive like bacon?

    1. If only my friend, if only

    2. We can talk bacon, there always room for bacon :3

    3. Ahhh Bacon. I too would like to join this conversation/post of love and bacon.

    4. What do you think Pun-kun? Would you prefer a troll (internet-wise or mythical-wise) or the grandness that is, only second to Monty python and The Holy grail, that is Bacon.

    5. Trolls, because there funny and it is funny to see them rage and get in a fight!

  17. banananananananannanananana !!!!!

    1. Want a marshmallow? I'll give you one. Ahh~~~

  18. Ahhhh my beloved Kokoro, soon I will understand everything you say

    <3 *doki doki* <3

  19. So in 2 or 3 weeks huh, sounds good for a large patch release.
    Keep it up.
    To tell you the truth, this is the 1st time i actually wanna donate for all the hard work you guys are doing.

  20. Ignore the trolls in this comment section! I for one think it amazing that you're doing this all for free in the first place and if you think it's easier to make us wait by grouping the patches together, I am more than happy to wait cause the end result will still end up with us getting the game for free by a guy dedicating his time to do it for us. So thank you!

  21. You have been chaged into an immortal.

  22. Yes why are people even bitching when its free AND it is getting done Like the guy up there said who cares as long as it is getting done?

  23. It's free , so why you guys bitchin about it ... I mean, they translate for us, you get to play, if you're not happy about it, why dont you just go and get a japanese dictionary and translate it your fucking self ??

  24. Has anyone checked out minato carnivals new eroge tsujidou-san no junai road? It looks pretty good, hopefully it gets translated

    1. yeah that game is good..playing it right now..i heard that some of the heroine of majikoi cameo in one of the route..

    2. Is it going to get trasnlated? I see it came out about 2 weeks ago.

    3. I hope it does, I really like the minato soft/carnival titles, the art is fantastic and the writing is really good

  25. I feel silly being the only person using their real name. Also it kinda hard to determine who's posted what and such, so can I make a small request as to having a person state a handler name or real name if they prefer, when they post. This is just a request to help keep organize who's who and who's said what, and thus can be dismissed. Also i'm just a fan of this translation and thus a regular internet person. Just in case anyone was wondering.

    1. Using your real name is really really really stupid. I'm not trying to say YOU are stupid, just that you should not be using your real name on a website dedicated to what most would consider a pornography game.

      Potential employers are using search engines to screen candidates for jobs (and they are checking Facebooks). What do you think an employer will think when they see your posts on this site? "hmm this guy is an avid follower of cartoon porn which contains some loli content, let's hire him right now!"

      No, he's going to throw your application in the garbage after exclaiming to himself that you are a pervert. Let alone anyone you know in real life can see what you are doing. I'm not saying you should have to hide all your hobbies from everyone, but this is one of those things that could hurt your prospects of getting a (good) job in the future.

      If you want to continue using your full name, that's fine with me. But you should really consider the repercussions of that action.

      On a side note, you are not going to convince hundreds/thousands of people to suddenly type their handle in the field when it doesn't require it. It'd be nice, but it's just not going to happen.

    2. Well a lot of people share the same name (if we are talking about the entire internet community) so even if you do use your real name its going to be hard to connect it to a person on things like forums so I don't think there is any big reason to be worried. Although that is not a reason to keep exposing yourself if there is a chance or risk however small it is.

      I do agree with the loli content thing. A good example is Jun in majikoi people have tend to have very strong opinions on his "interests" so it may be better to remain anonymous just in case.

      I don't feel he is trying to convince people to change their ways he is just making a minor request for the sake of making the forums a bit more clear (although I don't think it matters either way)

    3. You do realize that maybe there is more than ONE person on this planet that has the same name? Because I sure know that people have the same name as I do......

    4. The guy did say "handle" name. But then again it's not really a forum or a community. Mainly on such a blog people would just comment to express gratitude to the translators. Can't help the occasional troll, though.

    5. Whether there is one or two or 500 other people with your name is irrelevant. The point is it's an unnecessary risk and if you use your real name on a forum like anime sharing some employer could get your email and then it's downhill from there.

      I'm not talking about McDonalds jobs. I'm talking about real jobs that actually do real background checks and spent some time trying to delve into your history.

      Yes he said handle name OR real name. My post was meant to deter people from using their real name. There's no reason to use your real name. On top of the job thing, there are potential security issues and harassers.

      It'd be great if everyone used a handle on here, but it's unrealistic. I know he is not trying to convince everyone to use their real name. I'm simply trying to warn people of the potential risks of choosing to use your real name on content like this. I just see absolutely no benefit to using your actual name. If someone can think of one I'm all ears.

    6. So your job is going to search every forum and the entire internet to see if you put your name online?

    7. seems like its Littshepkid's job to be obnoxious everywhere he posts...

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Ever used google?

    10. Shep...

      Sometimes you amaze even me.

  26. I didn't realize we were also getting the Skits in this next patch.
    Many thanks for your efforts, and I'd just like to let you know I look forward to each Friday just for your translation updates.

  27. what are skits ?? O.o

    1. When you Exit the game the Scene's

  28. where to dl the patch?

    1. THERE.IS.NO.PATCH. You can get the Monshiro patch by looking into the previous posts. The next one has yet to come.

  29. Replies
    1. quality control

    2. Quaker crackers.

      Wait, just because I said that please don't lump me together with that troll from before. Unlike him, I actually want my Momoyo patch (which would be translated after this).

      That being said, I do hope that those 2-3 weeks are spent mostly on skits and QC, cu that would mean Kosugi's route is a short one. I haven't actually got the game yet, but if a side character that doesn't even have her own standing sprite like Kosugi gets a longer route than the main heroines, then MinatoSoft needs to re-check their priorities.

    3. Kosugi has a sprite.

    4. She did??

      Wait, no she DIDN'T! I almost fell for that one. Had to check the original Majikoi's tutorial for that.

      By 'standing sprite' I meant the half-body sprites. For example, Oowada Iyo has this. Not the picture beside the text box.

      BTW, if she has a standing sprite now in Majikoi S (haven't played it yet) it's only natural cuz MinatoSoft somehow decided that she's moe enough to get a route :O

    5. She does have a standing sprite, but it only appears during certain scenes in her route. Other than that, only the side sprite is used.

    6. She has a standing sprite in S. Not in the first game.

    7. This is a blog for Majikoi S. So when you say "She doesn't even have a standing sprite" without saying what game you are referring to, people are going to assume S.

      Kosugi's "route" is literally minutes long. Probably 20 minutes max. You are complaining about something without even knowing anything about it.

      They threw it in there with Iyo's mini route (which is also 10~ minutes). They probably wanted to get some underclassmen represented.

      The main heroines are all much longer. Even the shortest one (Margit) is longer by far.

  30. Man.. Thanks for doing the translation.. I kept replaying Momoyo's route in Majikoi (first one) since I really liked it.. Though, I think you'd put that route to translate later.. No problem though..

    1. Miyako > Momoyo

    2. Momoyo > Miyako

    3. Mayucchi > Momoyo/Miyako

    4. miyako > Universe

    5. I hope Miyako's route get translated soon.. Either by Yandere or Pun - kun

      I liked Momoyo's route because the whole route was just getting her to fall for you..

    6. Wanko > All.

      It has to be said twice.

    7. Miyako > All \.

      It only needs to be said once to prove it's point.

    8. I bet you also always replay the h-scenes in Momoyo's route.

    9. Chris's route would've been a lot better if it didn't involve that annoying old man breathing down our neck all the time. Actually, they should've just cut him out of Majikoi. Period. Margit alone would've sufficed.

    10. Actually I only started chris route because of Margit first but the whole route was actually good execpt her father, yes.

  31. Anyone know that Benkei has her own route in S and she will also get more content in A1?

    1. there is no route for benkei in S only 1 H-scene..the real route will be on A

    2. Thanks. I hope A1 will be translated too, Benkei and Momoyo my fav characters :)

    3. the translation for A1 is far from now..if you can understand japanese voices about 50-70% without subtitle you can just download the translator engine and when A1 release you can play it right way and you can understand the story...thats what i do

    4. Ah sadly i don't understand japanese at all, only the most simple words maybe. I don't have a probleme waiting for A1 translation I just hope it will be done after the main game.

    5. well we will see it.

  32. What is true route in S? If i'm remember well in Majikoi and overall i think it was Momoyo (both anime and manga follow her character/route).

    1. momoyo route is not the true route...the one they call the true route in S was yuki route because all the amazing scene happens there but its not the true route..there are no true route in S and the first majikoi

    2. Yeah I thought so because I don't remember any true route from the original game and I haven't seen it in S yet, I was just confused when i read the aug. 12. post here on the blog about true route and I'm wondering what can it be. About the Yukie route, I never played it, it was the only route that i missed in the first majikoi because i never get to like that character but i heard her route is very good maybe i give her a try in S.

    3. Well the "true" route would be agave in the original. It's unlocked after doing all the heroine routes and focuses on the main plot set forth in the common route.

      Many people just call it true because it's unlocked after doing all the main routes, just like a true route would be. But the game itself doesn't call it a true route or anything, and S continue from it, so it's up to you as to whether you want to call it a true route.

      Momoyo is not the true route at all.

    4. Hm finally I know what the agave route in S thanks. And by any chance can you tell me what was the ending in first majikoi agave route? I think it's haven't translated yet.

    5. touma is the main villain along with jun and yuki plus the itagaki family..touma spread a drug called utopia in kawakami city..and tried to spread hell in their but his actions was stop by the kazama family and kuki the end touma and jun goes to prison and yuki was in custody of the kuki family..

    6. Wait, S continues after the Agave route in the first game?

    7. yes tatsuko route is the continuation of the agave

    8. I want to ask ,in majikoi true that has not been translated. There is a h-scene of yamato with tatsuko and the other one. what are the stories behind that ?

    9. Yamato is captured by the Itagaki Family and this isto escape

    10. S does not continue after Agave.

      A SINGLE route in S continues after agave. Agave After (aka Itagaki family harem route).

      The new heroines of S assume you failed to attract any lovers in Majikoi.

    11. >Momoyo not the true girl
      Yeah sure and Saber is not the main girl of Fate/stay night.

      Stay delusioned.

    12. I didn't want to say like this earlier to avoid flaming but you said exactly what I'm thinking.

    13. >>Momoyo not the true girl
      >Yeah sure and Saber is not the main girl of Fate/stay night.

      Who the hell are you quoting? No one said momo isn't the "true girl". They (and myself) said "true route". Momo is obviously the flagship girl for the original game (look at all the promotional art/cover) ,just like Tsubame is for S.

      But her route is not the true route. True routes are unlocked and usually labeled as such. Momo was open from the start. Agave is a much better candidate as it deals with the plot started in the common route and it's unlocked.

  33. Anyone know where can I download a save data for majikoi? My pc crashed and lost all my gameplay save data.

    1. just replay it all and enjoy it some more, make use of skip function, or go to ya know?

    2. gee thx, its just since i can't skip any dialogue or fast forward scenes that havent been watched, i just can't stand hours of gameplay anymore :(

    3. I agree with the guy above tiny's message. Play it again! It happened to me also. Well, my pc didn't crash but it is because of confusion. I was intalling the Majikoi S and then when I noticed the installing process I recalled that it looks like the 1st majikoi and it is. FUCK. Just play the Majikoi while playing the Majikoi S to avoid wasting time. If you want turn off the voices in Majikoi so you can hear the voices in Majikoi S

    4. You can skip unread text -_-

    5. ehh.. but when i did that it pop up something like "you can't skip unread text" in red colored text... D:

    6. Open up the config menu and set "skip unread text" to false.

    7. ....

      My faith in humanity has dropped.

    8. >_>
      Um...I mean change "skip read text only" under Text/Message skip to "skip all text".

  34. Awww... I wonder when will this patch be released.. I'm getting excited! But why translate the 1st majikoi girls on the 3rd patch? For me, I think they should be last because I already played the 1st majikoi and finished them all, and yes I know that there are some things added to each of them but the new girls in S are the ones who I am really looking forward to conquer. Before the bad feedbacks, I'm not looking for a fight :)


    2. Save the best for last, as they say. The last routes should probably be the ones people will find the most interesting/want the most (see the original Majikoi: Agave/Miyako).

    3. Well I'm glad beacuse I want Momoyo route badly and Benkei...
      probably that will be a long wait.

    4. I think Pun is actually doing a good job on releasing the patches like he is. Because a lot of people, including me, havent been able to play the Miyako or Agave route because the patch hasnt come out for the original game. This way he's giving the other translators time to finish their stuff, so we can enjoy the full experience

    5. If Pun can keep this awsome progression, S will be done before the original.

    6. hmm. I doubt that the original will be translated. =(

    7. Well Yandere translation back but he said he have even less time for translation.

    8. There has been 0% progress since even before Yandere went down. Hopefully, Pun-kun will decide to translate the first game after finishing S.

    9. Lel Ganon
      Shittiest route in normal Majikoi.
      Same as Tsubame is shittiest route in Majikoi S.

    10. What I heard about Tsubame route I will probably hate her because I'm Momoyo fan. Still she got 2 different route/ending + A-3 sequel, there is no justice.

    11. Hey I liked both Tsubame and Miyako that's all that matters to me so screw you 2.

    12. I didn't say that Tsubame or Miyako route sucks(like he above me) I just said my personal opinion if you have a probleme with that screw you.I even like Miyako but not as much as in her route and I wouldn't have probleme with Tsubame either if "that" hadn't happend.

    13. you guys dont like tsubame beating momoyo by using yamato??

    14. Well it's already spoiler heavy so my opinion, yeah I don't like using a laser weapon to beat someone it's just bullshit, it's like they hate momoyo at minatosoft (i hope it's not true) and they also wanted to give momoyo haters some screen where momoyo gets beaten. Tsubame second route also weird like hell. And the whole thing just give me a NTR feeling which I'm not into. Lastly I don't get why people dislike if there is a strongest character in a story like Momoyo or Medaka from Medaka Box (and so on) but a lot of people just want to see them lose.

    15. Momo has always said that she will fight anyone using any weapon. That's always been her rule. The fight with Tsubame was no different and Momoyo was perfectly fine with her using a weapon.

      People act like Tsubame's route ended after the fight. If it did end there, I'd be pissed too. But it continues and Tsubame reflects on her using everyone/Yamato and in the end becomes a decent person and enters a real relationship with Yamato.

      Which part are you referring to as the "NTR" thing? My memory is failing me.

      They built Momo to be ridiculously strong. It would been weird to suddenly pull someone stronger out of the woodwork (unless they used one of the Bushido Clones). Tsubame was very capable but not quite as good as Momo. The weapon was necessary to win.

      I wonder what some of you would think if you played Usodere by Nounai Kanajo. You'd probably rage so hard you shit your pants when you see how those girls act.

    16. If Momoyo was destined to lose from the start I would still preferred some other way than this I rather went with the Bushido. (about the using any weapon, here is a rough example: if your friend say "hit me" you don't get a hammer and smash his face, probably)And the whole thing was just crap really that laser would have been easy to dodge if Momoyo was just wanted to test she can withstand or not.

      Anyway, I don't know what happens after the fight I will wait for translation but if you say that she do that after the fight I have really no big issue with her.
      About the NTR stuff, I only heard that from the people who know Japanese and played the game at release and commented on videos with great joy that: "haha momoyo gets NTRd, beaten and Yamato stolen from her etc". So much Momoyo hater :( And writing this I found out that my probleme is not with the characters but rather with the haters.

      I ran into some "interesting" Japanese eroge/game/manga/anime before and since then I always cautious so yeah I didn't played that either.
      Sry for that example and my English I wrote this half asleep.

    17. Yeah for sure, I wish they would've just had Tsubame learn the Hume technique to disable Momo's regeneration and beat her without any projectile weapons. Not sure why they went with the laser beyond "IT'S GONNA LOOK EPIC!!!1!"

      *spoilers for Tsubame route*

      After the fight she admits she was using Yamato and was pretending to be friends with Momo. But she realizes that she actually has feelings for Yamato/actually valued Momoyo's friendship.

      Then you can chose to either be dominant or submissive in the relationship and the route will split based on that choice. Then it's basically REAL romance between the two and she is done using people.

      About the "NTR", I think that's more like someone is saying their favorite character (Momo) got Yamato stolen away by Tsubame. That's not really the plot of the route, it's simply someone who loves Momoyo and hates Tsubame being mad that Yamato didn't end up with Momo. It's not really a NTR situation like you are probably thinking.

      I understand where you are going with your analogy but Momo has let people with machine guns (and I believe a rocket launcher) fight her before. You can't really compare that too real life.

    18. Yeah, the machine gun and the rocket launcher... I only remember it from the anime which wasn't live up to my expectation. And thanks for clearing up some things.

    19. Yeah... FUCK you spoilers..

    20. All the big spoilers were stated after the dude said "heavy spoilers".

      And I put a warning spoiler tag on my post.

  35. Is it going to be this week or next week? I can't quite remember when he said it might be 2 weeks.
    I can wait, though, since mangagamer is also coming out with something this week.

    1. You mean the next Majikoi S patch?
      It will be 2-3 weeks from October 12th. . .
      Its the headline for this very topic.
      Unless I'm getting something wrong -_-

    2. October 17,2012 7:54 PMOctober 17, 2012 at 4:53 AM

      I think you just need to bear with it till friday. :)

    3. Next Friday, probably.

  36. I've been reading up on Majikoi A and I'm wondering if you will have to buy each new heroine seperately when it comes out next year. They have a set of appendages A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5. Each has 3 specific heroines and each has a price tag. I wonder if Minatosoft is going to have a disk with all appendages 1 through 5 on it. Anyone know about this?

    1. Each "A" is coming out separately every couple months. They will each cost about 4000 yen~ (Considering they haven't priced anything beyond A-1 it's quite possible the price may change depending on the release).

      In the end there is great certainty that there will be a combined package including A-1 through A-5. Most likely it will be a physical release with some goodies included (art, desktop backgrounds, etc). It's a big opportunity for them to make more money and theres no way they would miss out on it.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Sorry wanted to update. Anyways Pun-kun I'm willing to help out with grammar and spelling checks. Can I join the staff?

    1. Yeah being a fullfag that registers on this shit instead of going to IRC really proves that you are not a total retard

      Just saying Piun-kun hates most people that post on this shitty comment section. The main community is not reddit based faggots.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Where am I supposed to go to ask if I can help out then? Wouldn't IRC just be as rude? And by the way I had been part of blogger since last year and use it for different reasons not just here. I don't want to piss off pun-kun.

    4. Don't mind the flame, visual novels are srs bsns among their fans; any small amateur-esque move will be treated with utmost doucheness by most.
      Though most do absolutely nothing but (hopefully buy) and read them, they tend to be rather elitist and act as if they are the ones translating the visual novels themselves.

    5. We need no help at the moment, and I don't believe we will in the future.

      Also if you wish to talk with us about anything, join our IRC because nobody on the team really pays attention to the blog. Other than me, I guess.

  39. can anyone can tell me are there mayuzumi sayaka route in majikoi A?

  40. No offense to the original Majikoi Staff, but Pun-kun just shit bricks on them with his speed of light work compared to theirs, team solo Dolo making yandere look like they stopped in time *which they pretty much have*

    1. True but I still respect their work and something always can come up which can be more important than some non-profit translating which is very time consuming, or they just get bored.

    2. Whatever has "come up" isn't going away as there has been no progress in months.

  41. Don't talk bad about yandere they've had to deal with losing their site, finding a new host, and fixing up their new site. Not to mention that the guy translating is using what little free time he has to translate for us.

    1. Absolutely correct. All my free time goes to translating Miyako route. I don't spend it on video games. Ever. I swear. Really.

    2. Is that sarcasm?

  42. Agreed, people shouldnt complain about something a person is doing out of the goodness of their heart. I for one don't mind waiting for this game cause in the end waiting for it makes the end result even more worthwhile. So thanks taka for translating majikoi as far as you have already and pun for your current work on majikoi S. Its something I look forward to on a daily basis.
